Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Be Happy by Consuming Less

    America has a trash problem, why? Because Americans have a buying problem. Since 2007 one of America’s largest exports to China has been trash.   We live in an age that keeping up with the Jones’ is a necessity and upgrading is "required" to be happy.

    Cutting back on consumption and better understanding the difference between need and want are great psychological tools to have.  However, this is not necessarily easy  when where ever we look we see ads designed to make us think we need what they are selling, then in some cases, we buy the product use it once or twice and then it gets lost in the piles of other “must haves”.  A team at San Francisco University has developed a great survey website beyondthepurchase.org that is designed to explore how our buying patterns effect our happiness and quality of life. These short surveys are great tools to better understand your own buying habits and can assist you in transforming how you consume for the better. 

    Becoming a conscience consumer will help you and your family create a more fulfilling lifestyle, purchasing less material things and more memorable experiences. To learn more read, Study: Experiences make us happier than possessions. We live in a product based society but the next time you are swiping that plastic card ask yourself, "do I really need this, or do they just want me to think I do".

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