Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fun and Filling Vegetable Snacks

     It is all in the presentation! Get your family to eat more vegetables by presenting them in a fun way! The benefits of vegetables are undeniable but often over looked and replaced with vegetable substitutes like V8 juice.  But don't be deceived V8 is no substitute for real veggies, it is high in sodium and uses GMOs. In fact, Campbell's Soup Co., producer of the V8 line of drinks donated $70,455 in 2012 against California's 2012 Proposition 37 Right to Know, which proposed mandatory GMO labeling in the state.

     Simply cut up peppers, cauliflower, cucumbers and carrots and display them over homemade guacamole, hummus or plain yogurt for a colorful rainbow kids can't refuse. Or get even more creative by making a skeleton of veggies! Making healthy food fun and readily available is a great way to help keep your family eating more of what they should and less  innutritious processed snacks.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Keep Ants Out Of Your Home

As summer is winding down ants and other pests will begin to seek refuge in your home, don't fret, here are some simple solutions to assist you in your fight against these unwelcome guests.

Option 1:
Mix cider vinegar and water half and half into a spray bottle, spray where ants have been spotted.

Option 2:
Mix a tablespoon of essential oil such as, lavender, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil into a spray bottle of water, as above, spray where ants have been seen.
Option 3:
Mix 1 cup of jam, jelly or honey with 2 tablespoons of Borax, place paste onto a plate near where ants are spotted.

Be sure to keep all mixtures away from children and pets!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Swimmer's Ear Solution

Swimming and summer just go together, like peanut butter and jelly. However, swimming and swimmer’s ear also go together.  According to,
“Swimmer's ear is an infection in the outer ear canal, which runs from your eardrum to the outside of your head. It's often brought on by water that remains in your ear after swimming, creating a moist environment that aids bacterial growth.”

This painful earache can be remedied with over the counter ear drops but a cheaper and “greener” way is to make a simple eardrop solution using products you likely already have on-hand.

What you will need:
-White vinegar
-Old eye drop container (or anything with the ability to distribute drops)
-Funnel (make sure it fits the container)

1. Combine equal parts of vinegar and alcohol
2. Shake well

3. Put 4 drops in each ear after swimming

The vinegar will restore the ear canal's acidity and dilute the alcohol to avoid discomfort.  The alcohol helps evaporate any water in the ear canal that leads to bacterial growth.  Be sure to make a new batch every couple of months to keep your solution fresh. 
Like I always say, I love making homemade remedies because I know exactly what is in them!    

Monday, August 12, 2013

Eat Smart With Superfoods!

   Eating healthy is essential for our bodies and minds to thrive.  Healthy foods provide necessary vitamins and minerals, can boost our immune systems, and offer protection from cancers, diabetes and heart disease.  More noticeably eating a balanced and healthy diet helps our bodies run smoothly, increases brain function and energy levels.  Learn more about superfoods from 100 Best Health Foods, an awesome book that lists 100 different kinds of superfoods, their benefits and great easy recipes.

Monday, August 5, 2013

How To Shop GMO-free

In my previous post I gave a brief introduction as to what GMOs are, why they are unhealthy and a website to learn more.  But in this fast paced world making the adjustment from GMO foods to non-GMO foods may prove to be a challenge.  Fear not! There are numerous website, apps and tips to assist you with the switch!

Non-GMO Shopping Guide is an amazing website that allows you to download a free shopping guide (or iPhone app) that allow you to easily explore non-GMO foods by category!  The app is easy to use and allows you to bookmark your favorite brands. 

Non-GMO Project has a great website and app that works similar to the Non-GMO Shopping Guide's app, easily search by category or brand name. 

The Food Ambassador is an app that lets you select Non-GMO as a preference and then allows you to scan a product's barcode to see if it meets your preferences.  This app is great because scanning the barcode makes it quick and easy to see if it meets GMO-free standards. However, the database of products is still growing, meaning you may scan something that is not yet in their database.  They do give you the option to scan the product and take a few photos of it so they can add it to their database.   

Buycott is an app that allows you to select campaigns that you support (like GMO labeling) and allows you to scan products to see if that company reflects your ideals.  For example, lets say you joined the GMO labeling campain, you can scan a product that you are thinking of buying to see if that company has contributed money to oppose GMO labeling. It is interesting to see what the company supports but a bit time consuming for me so I don't use it every shopping trip.  

Whole Foods lets you download a list of non-GMO foods that are carried at your local store.

My Organic Coupons is a good site that lists many organic websites, regularly check the website and other brand's websites you like for coupons.

Organic and natural living magazines offer great organic living tips and are also a good way to get organic food coupons.  Go to your local Whole Foods store or look online for a magazine you like.  Subscriptions are usually pretty cheap, $15.00 - $20.00 for a years subscription.  

Scan your local supermarket ads for a "natural foods" section and compare these products against your GMO-free product lists.  For example, Kettle Brand Potato Chips 2/$6.00.

Making the switch to a non-GMO lifestyle takes time, but if you make the commitment to inform yourself and start shopping for GMO-free products your body will thank you!