Monday, August 5, 2013

How To Shop GMO-free

In my previous post I gave a brief introduction as to what GMOs are, why they are unhealthy and a website to learn more.  But in this fast paced world making the adjustment from GMO foods to non-GMO foods may prove to be a challenge.  Fear not! There are numerous website, apps and tips to assist you with the switch!

Non-GMO Shopping Guide is an amazing website that allows you to download a free shopping guide (or iPhone app) that allow you to easily explore non-GMO foods by category!  The app is easy to use and allows you to bookmark your favorite brands. 

Non-GMO Project has a great website and app that works similar to the Non-GMO Shopping Guide's app, easily search by category or brand name. 

The Food Ambassador is an app that lets you select Non-GMO as a preference and then allows you to scan a product's barcode to see if it meets your preferences.  This app is great because scanning the barcode makes it quick and easy to see if it meets GMO-free standards. However, the database of products is still growing, meaning you may scan something that is not yet in their database.  They do give you the option to scan the product and take a few photos of it so they can add it to their database.   

Buycott is an app that allows you to select campaigns that you support (like GMO labeling) and allows you to scan products to see if that company reflects your ideals.  For example, lets say you joined the GMO labeling campain, you can scan a product that you are thinking of buying to see if that company has contributed money to oppose GMO labeling. It is interesting to see what the company supports but a bit time consuming for me so I don't use it every shopping trip.  

Whole Foods lets you download a list of non-GMO foods that are carried at your local store.

My Organic Coupons is a good site that lists many organic websites, regularly check the website and other brand's websites you like for coupons.

Organic and natural living magazines offer great organic living tips and are also a good way to get organic food coupons.  Go to your local Whole Foods store or look online for a magazine you like.  Subscriptions are usually pretty cheap, $15.00 - $20.00 for a years subscription.  

Scan your local supermarket ads for a "natural foods" section and compare these products against your GMO-free product lists.  For example, Kettle Brand Potato Chips 2/$6.00.

Making the switch to a non-GMO lifestyle takes time, but if you make the commitment to inform yourself and start shopping for GMO-free products your body will thank you!


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